Vacant office buildings and the high demand for housing in Utrecht’s city centre make transforming the Merwedekanaal zone a priority for Utrecht municipality. Step by step, a new, connecting and future-proof city district with associated amenities is being developed at this location.
With a beautiful 15-storey residential tower with roof garden and a lower square-shaped residential building, DUQER facilitates the demand for new housing. Demolishing the office building at Eendrachtlaan 10 and creating a new, sustainable apartment building will create a unique place for pleasant living and recreation.
Concorde residential complex is located in subarea 6 of the Merwedekanaal zone, just 5 minutes’ travel distance from the centre of Utrecht.
Work started in late 2022 and the residential complex is expected to be completed in 2024.

We are focused on putting something beautiful down.
Develop is the magic word at ChaseRED. Obviously when it comes to real estate. But also in ourselves: an organisation with people who can and want to (further) develop continuously.